Lumecca IPL

Lumecca, is InMode’s breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) skin rejuvenation technology that allows for treatment of a variety of skin types and conditions. Delivering up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range for unparalleled clarity, Lumecca delivers improved efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions with reduced treatment times due to its large spot size and high pulse repetition rate. Experience Lumecca and enjoy all the benefits of younger looking skin.  

For the most part, patients don’t experience any side effects from Lumecca treatments. Sometimes there are mild skin reactions, but these usually resolve themselves within a few hours. Some patients find they’re sensitive to sunlight in the hours following the treatment. For this reason, it’s recommended to avoid direct sunlight, especially tanning.  The skin may appear reddish for maybe 30-60 minutes after the treatment. The dark spots will turn temporarily darker after a successful treatment, then flake off like coffee grounds within one or two weeks. Foundation can cover up the skin for an even appearance. Lumecca is great for treating a range of discoloration concerns(age spots/freckles), including vascular blemishes, unsightly broken red and blue capillaries, spider veins and rosacea. Port wine stains can also be treated.


Arms & Hands $900/$2500

Chest $500/$1200

Face & Neck $650/$1800

Face, Chest & Neck $1000/$2700

Hands $350/$900

Spot Treatment $300 (*series of three not available)

*This treatment requires a consultation with one of our providers prior to booking


Hair Restoration


Morpheus8 Microneedling